What You Need to Know About Diabetes Tests
Diabetes is becoming a widespread disease throughout the world. Diabetes is as much a lifestyle disease as it is hereditary. Just a few years ago contracting diabetes was thought of as the end of life. Today with diabetes tests, counseling and expert diabetes management it is easy to live a normal healthy life.
Some of the early symptoms of diabetes are:
- Increased thirst and hunger
- Dry mouth
- A frequent urge for urination or urine infections
- Unexplained weight loss
- Fatigue
- Blurred or other issues with vision or eyes
Diabetes is a silent disease. Do not let it creep up on you until such time that it gets too late. It is best to consult your family doctor if you have even one of these symptoms. The general physical will either recommend certain tests or refer you to an endocrinologist or a diabetologist.
Diabetes is when there are high sugar levels in the blood which remain unprocessed because the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin to convert the sugars into energy.
Should diabetics be using raw sugar instead of regular sugar or sweeteners? Find out the difference between raw sugar vs. refined sugar here.
The Following Diabetes Tests May Be Advised
- Blood tests: This most common, important and informative test determines the levels of sugar in the blood while fasting, after a regular meal, random tests and glucose tolerance test. Lipid profile or lipids screening is another important test. This test screens the blood for abnormalities which may lead to high sugar levels.
- HbA1C: this is a blood test which computes the levels of sugar in the blood in the past three months, giving a clear overall picture of sugar levels. Three months is the time period because blood cells regenerate every three months. This test has to be taken every quarter of a year and very helpful in diabetes management
- Blood Pressure: it is common knowledge that hypertension or high blood pressure and diabetes are co-related. The reason being that extra sugar in the blood narrows the arteries and compels the heart to pump harder than normal. Stress is another reason for hypertension along with obesity and hereditary factors.
- Eye tests: Eyes are the first to get affected by diabetes. (Of course, there are exceptions.) Visit your ophthalmologist periodically to check for glaucoma and other visual problems by the dilated eye testing method.
- Neuropathy test: Diabetes affects the nerves causing neuropathy. Neuropathy tests determine the levels of pain, sensitivity in the hands, legs and digits. A foot examination is very important because it gets cuts, wounds and scrapes easily, which take longer to heal. Unhealed wounds lead to gangrene, which, if left untreated, may result in amputation.
The Takeaway
Medical science has advanced so much that everyone can check their blood sugar levels and blood pressure at home themselves. Do-it-yourself glucometers and blood pressure monitors are very easily available and are very economical to use in diabetes management
If you have a family history of diabetes or a fast-paced, unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle it is very, very important to get screened for diabetes. Manage your lifestyle, exercise, eat healthy and keep the monster called diabetes at bay.
Our bodies are more spectacular than the best of computers. Even the most sophisticated computers need regular maintenance and servicing. So look after yourself, have regular check-ups and screenings and live a good life.
A healthy body is a peaceful mind and a peaceful mind keeps the body healthy